This Week's Challenge!

On Sunday we had a combined meeting with the Young Men and the Bishopric were there to share some message from the New Era with us.

Brother Gunness
For Young Women: Making the Mission Decision

Brother Stonehocker
How The Book of Mormon Transforms You

Bishop Orr
Why and What do I Need to Confess to my Bishop?

All the messages shared by the Bishopric were great.

Every week we challenge you and I guess this weeks challenge is to read at least one of these articles!
Good would be one article, better would be two articles and best would be all three!!!!!!!

New Beginnings

All parents and Young Women are invited to attend


"My own lamp I must fill
With oil each new day,
The oil is what I learn and do
As the values I embrace.
Drop by drop, goal by goal
I’ll prepare and light my way,
That on the day the bridegroom comes
I’ll be prepared to see His face."

Wednesday, October 16th 
Jerry Potts Building

Activity Night - September 25th

We are going to try to go the CORN MAZE again for our activity this week and hope for better weather!!!

Meet at the Jerry Potts Building at 6:15. 

If any one can't make that time let one of the leaders know and we will have one car wait for those that can't make it until later. Should be fun!!

Stake Conference

Don't forget this weekend is Stake Conference, you need to remember for two reasons!!

Reason #1

The Saturday night session will be reviewing Zion's Camp.  All Young Men and Young Women aged 14 and above have been especially invited to attend.

There will be a youth choir singing the theme song "I Will be Ready". 

The Saturday Night session is at 7pm.

Reason #2

There will be no regular church meetings on Sunday morning as Stake Conference will be at 10:00am.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Activity Night - Corn Maze

On Wednesday we will all be going to the Corn Maze. 

We will meet at the Jerry Potts Building at 6:15pm. 

If any of you are unable to be there early, please let us know as one car will remain behind to take along those who are unable to get there earlier.


Corn everywhere, 9 acres of corn way above your "ears".  There is a kids maze, a Trivia maze and a Big maze.  Navigating through the 3 different mazes will take from 20 minutes to 2 hours. 
You can always study the picture it is this year’s maze!!
For any of the leaders who will be driving ....... From Lethbridge, go North on to Hwy# 25 to Picture Butte, follow the signs to Park Lake, 4 kms North of Park Lake, turn left at 10-4, 1.6kms west, turn right at 22-4 after 1 km turn right, or follow the signs to the Cornmaze and Robinpick Berry Farm



Don't forget the Corn Bust is tonight! 

This is our weekly activity (there is no activity night on Wednesday).  Tonight the YW will be helping the YM who have organized games etc for the children. 

Location:  Rotary Picnic Shelter, Lethbridge Sports Park, 28 St & 30 Ave North (behind the Northside Wal-Mart).
Time:  6:00pm

Activity Night

Looking forward to the Young Women's activity tonight September 4th at 7pm. 

Don't forget that all of our activities are at the Jerry Potts building now. 

See you there!